Routing during transition fm one grib to another
Post by iconPost by Argomer | 2022-01-28 | 18:39:43


During each transition phase the allgrib appears to be a mix of past runs N-1 and N-2 (???) and curent one, starting at T+3H40 with first step ranges and being revised up to 384, upon periodic release of new data issued by the NOAA. And I guess that's the way the components of winds are calculated (at grid points and round step range, then interpolated in time/space). In other words that's the way the winds are displayed.

My question is : is it the way the route is calculated ?

At first glance, it seems that the router abruptly switches from grib n-1 to grib n, around T(new_grib)+4H30. For instance, 00Z gribs begins to be taken into account for wind calculation as of 3H40Z (up to 5H00Z). Besides wind calculation, Zezo router seems to use previous grib 18Z until 04H30Z, then switches to the new grib 00Z.

Sorry if this issue was dealt with within the forum. I'm a brand new user of VR and Zezo. Thanks and have a nice WE.

commenticon 2 Comments
Post by iconPost by mcmgj | 2022-01-28 | 22:28:22
use old grib to route to the next full hour
Post by iconPost by Argomer | 2022-01-31 | 15:45:54
Thanks, switch 00Z/06Z fi. I'll use old grib 00Z one full hour fm 09H30 to 10H30, then a mix of old and new from 10H30 to 12H00, then 100% new 06Z
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