Dashboard KO
Post by iconPost by Leon Citrone | 2023-10-25 | 10:36:21

Hi Hardtack, Cvetan

Following the last VR update, dashboard don't work anymore.
- Cvetan, will zezo be affected ?
- Hardtack, do you think possible to correct that in the dash? Numbers seems still there but not read in the dash.
Thanks in advance for your help

commenticon 31 Comments
Post by iconPost by paofeg | 2023-10-25 | 11:41:12

I tried to clean in chrome://settings/privacy all old data and to reinstall dashboard without any result

Post by iconPost by Geordie | 2023-10-25 | 13:51:08
Got the same problem - thought was just me!

Post by iconPost by confidence | 2023-10-25 | 19:33:49
📢 Incompatibilité du Dashboard 📢

Bonjour à tous,

Plusieurs d’entre vous ont remonté un problème concernant l’indisponibilité du dashboard.
Nous avons récemment effectué une mise à jour cruciale de notre jeu en utilisant Unity 2022. Cette mise à jour est essentielle pour que notre jeu puisse être publié sur les plateformes mobiles. Celle-ci devait absolument être réalisée avant le 1er novembre 2023. Cependant, cette mise à jour a entraîné l’incompatibilité du dashboard.

Il appartiendra aux développeurs du dashboard de l’adapter à cette mise à jour si ils le souhaitent.
Nous comprenons que cela peut être une contrainte, mais c’est une étape nécessaire pour assurer la pérennité de notre jeu sur les stores mobiles. Nous apprécions votre compréhension et votre coopération à ce sujet.
Bonne journée à tous,
l’équipe VR
Post by iconPost by 43South | 2023-10-25 | 23:03:12
Above Post in English:

Hello everyone,

Several of you have reported a problem regarding the unavailability of the dashboard. We recently made a crucial update to our game using Unity 2022. This update is essential for our game to be able to be released on mobile platforms. This absolutely had to be carried out before November 1, 2023. However, this update led to the incompatibility of the dashboard.

It will be up to the dashboard developers to adapt it to this update if they wish. We understand that this can be a constraint, but it is a necessary step to ensure the sustainability of our game on mobile stores. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation on this matter. Have a nice day everyone,
VR team

Post by iconPost by zezo | 2023-10-26 | 11:19:36
Had a quick mail exchange with Michael. He says he has a partial fix ready and will publish it today or maybe tomorrow.
Post by iconPost by Sakuma | 2023-10-26 | 12:38:58
ok, can you inform us here when it is published?.
Post by iconPost by Leon Citrone | 2023-10-26 | 13:14:10
Thank you Cvetan !!
Post by iconPost by Tractoor | 2023-10-26 | 13:21:23
I'll check on google extensions and when it will be updated, i'll inform everybody
Post by iconPost by Leon Citrone | 2023-10-26 | 13:37:18
Thanks guys.
And thanks Michael, obviously.
Like Cvetan, you are here since years and Always there for helping us. Thank you again.
Post by iconPost by Hardtack | 2023-10-26 | 15:54:22
I just pushed version 4.21.3 to the store. As usual, release by Google may take one or two days.
I noticed only afterwards that command logging ('last action') isn't working. I'll fix this later.
Calling the router works and the fleet display also looked fine at first glance.
Post by iconPost by Hardtack | 2023-10-26 | 16:00:44
If you are impatient and know how to install an extension manually, you can download the new version here

Post by iconPost by Leon Citrone | 2023-10-26 | 16:22:16
Vielen dank Michael
Post by iconPost by Silver Wings | 2023-10-26 | 17:41:50
Thanks Michael,
I'm afraid that 'last command' and WayPoints are not properly stored and displayed.
Post by iconPost by allmann | 2023-10-26 | 18:57:09
Thanks Michael !

Post by iconPost by Hardtack | 2023-10-26 | 21:46:43
I just uploaded a new version fixing the 'Last Command' and Waypoints display on the map.

Unfortunately I can't publish it to the web store, it's still processing the previous upload.

Post by iconPost by Leon Citrone | 2023-10-27 | 06:11:27
Hello Michael,
Thanks again !
I just have an issue with displaying members of team, i have a message "usercard missing"
But honestly, i don't care.
Thanks for all the work.
Edit: forget that, it works

Post by iconPost by Sakuma | 2023-10-27 | 14:12:22
Hi Michael,
thank you, it works.
Post by iconPost by Fouras_17 | 2023-10-28 | 06:19:48
Bonjour, en sélectionnant la map j'ai le message :

Petit problème... Une erreur s'est produite
Google Maps ne s'est pas chargé correctement sur cette page. Pour plus d'informations techniques sur cette erreur, veuillez consulter la console JavaScript.

google :

Hello, by selecting the map I get the message:

Small problem... An error has occurred
Google Maps did not load correctly on this page. For more technical information about this error, please see the JavaScript Console.

Post by iconPost by guayacan | 2023-10-29 | 10:50:38
same for me, console output :
Google Maps JavaScript API error: RefererNotAllowedMapError
Your site URL to be authorized: chrome-extension://cknhbnbodlbhhcehohonjjkppooiopan/dashboard.html
Post by iconPost by Jeanbern19 | 2023-10-29 | 13:43:07
Good morning,
on ITYC the routing for Class 40 is not triggered.
On the other hand it works on the mini and in ULTIM
you have to go through:

thank you to all of you

Post by iconPost by yucatan | 2023-10-30 | 11:17:27
Hello, by selecting the map I get the message:

Small problem... An error has occurred
Google Maps did not load correctly on this page. For more technical information about this error, please see the JavaScript Console.

who can help me,i am not a pro with informatic,thank you

Post by iconPost by jphe | 2023-10-31 | 14:33:02
If you have installed it with developper mode, you must have your own API code in dashboard.html

Post by iconPost by yucatan | 2023-10-31 | 17:17:17
i put 4.21.3 instead 4.21.2 and it's ok,it's not nice to get old...
Post by iconPost by uffep | 2023-10-31 | 17:56:00
Hi all,
Today 4.21.3 installed automatically into chrome. Everything works again.


Post by iconPost by guayacan | 2023-10-31 | 18:29:49
even the "MAP" tab???
on my side this tab isn't working, nore in 4.21.4 version.
Post by iconPost by uffep | 2023-11-01 | 18:26:56
I would say that the map tab is working too for me
I have never used it before, but when I do, it seems to work with boats selected by "filters"
Post by iconPost by Hardtack | 2023-11-02 | 21:04:33
Sorry, I was off grid for a week.

I just pushed version 4.21.4 to Chrome web store. This should fix the waypoints display.

There are still some issues with the map - sometimes multiple maps are displayed and you need to scroll down. I'll fix this when I can find the time.
Post by iconPost by guayacan | 2023-11-05 | 21:56:55
no issue, you have the right to take vacation! :-))
And it is working now.
Many thanks Michael.
Post by iconPost by Geordie | 2023-11-07 | 14:27:43
Is there a reason the new extension 4.21.4 the dashboard doesnt automatically update team/friends like it did on VR dashboard plus extension?

Post by iconPost by Geordie | 2023-11-07 | 14:26:34
Is there a reason the new extension 4.21.4 the dashboard doesnt automatically update team/friends like it did on VR dashboard plus extension?
Post by iconPost by Pietieman57 | 2023-11-08 | 17:40:10
See also ,y previous topics, "Please Respond" and "Cafe 93 Center of display?"

Even when accessing maps directly from their URL, e.g. http://zezo.org/forum.pl?tid=8687, they do not centre on boat position.
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