Hi, I should start by saying I really have no clue. I've never been sailing in my life but have a passing interest in the Volvo race cause they stop in Cape Town and the pictures look cool. My knowledge level is novice!
My question, mostly about the game, but I guess also about sailing; last night as my virtual boat moved along the due east ice limit I just tacked once but noticed some of the boats around me tacked a few times - some almost zigzaged along the line. (The wind seemed the same everywhere.) I did this cause 1) I didn't want to risk going close to the ice zone while I was sleeping 2) if I loose 50% speed for a minute every time I tack surely this is slower.
Why would you choose to tack repeatedly? At the end having rounded the turn it's looks to me like nothing has changed position wise anyway. So why risk it?

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