Running aground
Post by iconPost by bluefox1 | 2021-12-30 | 04:14:06

The rocksalways reach out to me. What is the proper way to get free when you have run aground? Thanks

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Post by iconPost by BooBill | 2021-12-30 | 19:36:41
Go directly back the way you came. Wait a minimum of 1 full minute. Then steer clear of whatever you hit. Wait for the next 5 minute update to confirm you are clear.

The most common mistake is getting too greedy and trying to just sail off 90 degrees to your intended path, or not waiting long enough for a cycle to pass. Sometimes that works, but you waste valuable position if it doesn't. The 180 method works first time and if you catch it right away you've lost a max of 4 minutes.

Post by iconPost by mcmgj | 2022-01-01 | 20:45:01
hello, your explanation does not correct in time, in fact, retracing your steps necessarily leads to a jibe and almost always a change of sail, and the return to forward will entail the same penalties, these 2 changes of direction are not free. In addition, when you are stranded, the server only takes your maneuver into account in minutes 0 and 5, a latency of 1 to 4 minutes is therefore lost before your boat is considered in the water, then you have to cover a minimum 5 seconds of earth arc to be able to avoid running aground again. these 5 seconds of earth are obviously function of your boat speed.

Post by iconPost by BooBill | 2022-01-01 | 22:54:54
Yes, I was not taking into account the sail change and tack/gybe penalties.

However, I wasn't even aware that the server will only respond to maneuvers in a window every 5 minutes and that you need to clear the obstruction by 5 arc seconds. I mean, where did you ever find that out?

The whole 5 minute update and the fact that if you are going to run a routing you have only a 4 minute window in each 10 minutes to line up Zezo and VR with a current position, just annoys me to no end.

It's why I spend 90% of my time at Realsail these days.

Post by iconPost by bluefox1 | 2022-01-04 | 19:22:47
Thank you for helping me understand a complicated and frustrating problem.
Post by iconPost by Pierre | 2022-02-10 | 08:49:12
Useful post. Thanks.
I experienced a strange behavior in Dubai - Muscat : I setup several waypoint to go around the buoy in the middle of the race. Everything looked OK (the path seemed to go around the small island without problem even if it was close), but when I came back I was aground.
Any idea how this can happen / suggestions how to avoid it ?
Post by iconPost by theo | 2022-02-21 | 15:04:44
It depends a lot on the rock and the corner you hit on. If it is a flat surface you don't need 180. I have been away from rock in 80 degrees as I was coming upwind on 38 and another sail in front of me had an even smaller corner(he also was aground) from his position and print that I've seen right after. But yes, it is a safe path as described above. Maybe I would only add to the advice, "use it" with common sense
Post by iconPost by theo | 2022-02-21 | 15:04:44
It depends a lot on the rock and the corner you hit on. If it is a flat surface you don't need 180. I have been away from rock in 80 degrees as I was coming upwind on 38 and another sail in front of me had an even smaller corner(he also was aground) from his position and print that I've seen right after. But yes, it is a safe path as described above. Maybe I would only add to the advice, "use it" with common sense
Post by iconPost by theo | 2022-02-21 | 15:16:12
The "runaround" is a big minus for VR, as the time of 7 min delay is huge and creates so much mess. It should be taking care of VR and have an automatic procedure "off the ground" and to the course and with a fixed penalty. It would be 100 times fairer to all. It would make the racing part of VR Offshore regattas, a step forward.

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