Post by iconPost by Michael BK | 2022-11-01 | 02:17:46

Hardtack? For the overlay VR map on dashboard map. Exactly what all players needed. Leveling the playing field!! BRAVO!

commenticon 14 Comments
Post by iconPost by Hardtack | 2022-11-01 | 10:13:21
You're welcome :-)
The VR raster map was floated in the French community a while ago and I finally decided to try to add it.

Next step will be to replace GoogleMap with Leaflet because next year, Chrome Manifest V3 will become mandatory and with that, calling GoogleMap APIs will no longer be supported.

Post by iconPost by Michael BK | 2022-11-04 | 23:40:37
Hardtack:  just curious (I am not an IT guy, did a bit of coding a very long time ago), and you probably know the answer: your overlay VR map is very precise and accurate, like may be to the meter.  Why is it that VR cannot show it ("affichage") or correct it properly on the VR client screen: at max zoom 1/2 pixel offset to SW, and shifty. Could it simply be a rounding error (not enough decimals in calcs), that they cannot change without having to basically redo the client interface software and maybe even more?

Post by iconPost by Leon Citrone | 2022-11-05 | 10:47:13
because they are not good developers and are not able to manage simple tasks like that.
and their chief is one of the worst project manager ever since 5 years i play this game.
very simple
Post by iconPost by Leon Citrone | 2022-11-05 | 10:47:13
because they are not good developers and are not able to manage simple tasks like that.
and their chief is one of the worst project manager ever since 5 years i play this game.
very simple
Post by iconPost by Hardtack | 2022-11-05 | 11:13:46
I can only guess what's going on - maybe VR is trying to make the coastline fuzzy intentionally because the aground check is not 100% precise.
Look at my boat in the Halloween race - it ran aground 30-50m away from 'land'. It seems the aground check is only accurate w.r.t the raster size of the map.

Post by iconPost by NikoSurcouf | 2022-11-01 | 17:07:28
Indeed, thanks for this version!
Post by iconPost by mcmgj | 2022-11-02 | 22:49:54
same as French ITYC Dashboard ?

Post by iconPost by Leon Citrone | 2022-11-02 | 23:42:36
même ici tu vas nous gonfler toi? lache nous
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2022-11-05 | 21:17:45
@Michael BK

It's probably a rounding error, of sorts.

In a discrete world a vertical 1 pixel line at offset 0 is somehow RIGHT of the origin. To get it centered you have to actually draw it at -0.5 pixels.

So you get 0.5px offset when converting from lat/lon to screen X/Y and using round()

In classic computer graphics (0,0) is top left, which would result in SE offset, but by default OpenGL uses the math convention of (0,0) being bottom left.
Post by iconPost by Hardtack | 2022-11-07 | 15:14:25
For completeness sake, the VR map is broken in several ways.
In addition to the half-pixel wobble analyzed by Michael BK and Cvetan,
- The map is shifted north (or northwest) by more than a pixel at full zoom.
I'm not posting screenshots because they are large but I can add them if you're interested.
- The map shifts and "morphs" when zooming, such that waypoints sometimes appear of land and and sometimes not
- The map raster "morphs" by 1/2 raster size both vertically and horizontally when panning at full zooms (translating to ~50m).

Post by iconPost by DonJuan21 | 2022-11-13 | 07:09:05
On the general theme of "Thank You" for and all that the developers have done and continue to do in the VR universe. I appreciate it.

I've given up hope figuring out why VR can't get things right, on so many levels.

So my post is this, is there going to be any community support in the realsail game?

As I understood things, Cevetan had some intentions of investing in the realsail effort then backed out when bitsailor stepped in.

I'm curious how much crossover there is between bitsailor and zezo development branches?
Post by iconPost by Gab38 | 2022-11-17 | 08:23:47

I might have missed something but I still have the google map ... and I don't find any button to display the VR map ...
Post by iconPost by Hardtack | 2022-11-17 | 08:32:58
There's no button but the VR map is displayed automatically when you zoom in.

It's not displayed on lower zoom level because the amount of data loaded into the Google map would freeze the browser.

Post by iconPost by Gab38 | 2022-11-17 | 10:11:27
Oh OK, beautiful !
Thank you !
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