Solo Maitre Coq
Post by iconPost by montecristo11 | 2021-03-16 | 13:44:44

Sorry, Cvetan but the Solo Maitre Coq Chart is not correct:it still appears the Nord Stream Chart

commenticon 20 Comments
Post by iconPost by Flying Phil | 2021-03-16 | 21:50:43
cvetan just has to change the option in the select list .
If you are in a hurry, you can try to found the correct link by replacing
"jv" by the correct letters in this link :
(jv for jules verne, ns for Nord stream, mc not for maitre coq, it's for Marseille to carthage )

Post by iconPost by montecristo11 | 2021-03-16 | 23:12:30
thank you Phil... no hurry...

Post by iconPost by Benoit | 2021-03-17 | 12:38:06
Post by iconPost by montecristo11 | 2021-03-17 | 18:11:56
thanks Benoit

Post by iconPost by misterdjul | 2021-03-17 | 18:45:54
Merci Benoit.
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2021-03-17 | 20:06:22
Ooops. Copy-paste error. Fixed.
Post by iconPost by BooBill | 2021-03-18 | 11:50:31
Can anyone remember for last year if the 1st mark is on the land or in the water as far as the game map is concerned? In other words, how close can you cut it? The stupid mark image is obscuring what it's sitting on.
Post by iconPost by DeskSailor | 2021-03-18 | 13:17:44
Yes, that old chestnut, now you can't even turn off all the boats except yours to clean up the view a little.

Edit: I was later told by a team member that clicking the buttons to turn off other boats (1 click), your team and followed boats (2 clicks) then shows only your boat and the mark clearly.
Post by iconPost by MidnightFoiler | 2021-03-18 | 13:59:45
The mark is on land. Get a guest jvt boat and check it with a wpt
Post by iconPost by MidnightFoiler | 2021-03-18 | 14:01:23
So we have one of those started ahead leaders. Presumably started at frigate which was ahead of the fleet. His track starts ahead
Post by iconPost by gushami | 2021-03-18 | 16:09:12
Here we go again Solo Maitre Coq mark 1. I just can't get the dashboard map to work.
Post by iconPost by Hardtack | 2021-03-18 | 16:28:16
The Dashboard map is not the same as the VR map!
Waypoint positions are correct w.r.t course marks, but not land features.

See chrome-extension://amknkhejaogpekncjekiaolgldbejjan/manual.html#map_tab

Post by iconPost by BooBill | 2021-03-18 | 16:30:01
Did you run aground? See midnightFoiler's answer above. Mark is on land as far as the game map is concerned. Do not navigate by the Dashboard map. I went about 50m wider than you (after seeing Midnight's answer) and was fine. Consulting real charts, even my line was iffy.
Post by iconPost by gushami | 2021-03-18 | 18:35:44
I did, and I wasn't that surprised. I know the map differs from VR. It's just that, if I could find the proper margin, it would still be much better than VR's map. To be able to use VR's map, I'd like to be able to zoom closer and also to remove every object blocking the view. Will try again and again, adding 50m until I find a better risk/reward equilibrium.
Post by iconPost by YourMomSA | 2021-03-19 | 19:17:00
Always good to see Cvetan competing at the front! He must have more free time at the moment than usual.
Post by iconPost by YourMomSA | 2021-03-19 | 20:18:01
Weird situation in the area near Pointe de Sablanceaux... Looking in Dashboard at the tracks of many boats that I follow, most boas got through outbound... Except a few like Ghostbuster ran aground. The thing that's weird is that those who ran aground were further offshore than some boats who got through safely.

On the way back, I set a course among the tracks of the boats who got through safely when they first sailed outbound. And I ran aground. I was almost exactly on the reverse course of a boat that sailed the same line outbound safely.

I'll accept the result because I was consciously pushing the limits... I was trying to pass boats near the front, which you can't do without some risk. I had gotten from 36th to 24th. I might have been able to get into the top 20 if I had gotten through there successfully. Instead I'm back to 174th. Oh well. Plenty of others have run aground too. That's life in these events.

Anyway... The baffling thing is... How did some boats get through and others not? Is it possible that VR's data has isolated rocks in that area, such that you can actually sail inside or outside but will hit in the middle? Or perhaps it's a vagary of how the groundings are calculated (ie, whether or not you can skip over the rock within a one-minute calculation cycle), or somethng like that?

At least I didn't pay for a full pack. But it's certainly frustrating to commit the time to manage waypoints one at a time with a 2-waypoint max, only to have that happen on the final rounding.
Post by iconPost by BooBill | 2021-03-19 | 23:06:00
I'm looking at it and I see 5 traces inside yours on the way out and 2 on the way in. What's unique about your line is it appears you were the first to execute the turn a good 30m before anyone else that I follow. However, the point where your track heads east to clear is still outside several lines from the way down.

I think I'm going to screenshot this picture and save it for reference next year.
Post by iconPost by YourMomSA | 2021-03-19 | 23:08:22
I think I just realized the answer to my own question... Hardtack can probably confirm... How are the trails defined for boats you're tracking in the Dashboard? The lines I was describing in my prior post were Dashboard tails. I just realized... They're probably smoothed between 5-minute location positions or something like that... If so, then a boat that sailed further out around the corner and turned before the 5-minute checkpoint would be shown in the Dashboard as having cut the corner. This is commonly seen in the game, but I haven't seen it in dramatic ways in Dashboard, so I was trusting those tails on my return trip. If I followed a tail that was cutting the corner, that would explain the behaviors I described above.
Post by iconPost by Hardtack | 2021-03-20 | 01:08:00
I'm displaying the raw data the game UI receives from the server. The track points contain timestamps. You can see them if you switch on 'Track info' and hover the mouse ove the black dots (but it's not very well implemented and can slow down the browser).

I stared at the data for a while but I really cannot make any sense of it.

I agree that the tracks often look simplified, but they don't look simplified to me around Pointe de Sablanceaux. For example, BooBill turned at 15:24:35Z and 15:26:20Z.
Big Bird turned at 15:24:27 and 15:26:14. Freizh Volante used one waypoint at 15:26:12 and I don't see how he could have avoided land while Gushami, Ghostbuster (outbound) and YourMom (inbound) ran aground in the same spot.

Post by iconPost by YourMomSA | 2021-03-20 | 03:00:14
Thanks for the analysis. So we're back to it being a bit mysterious... Either there are some pixel-sized rocks in there, or the land is so narrow that it's possible to cross it within one cycle time of however the groundings are calculated.

On the plus side, it isn't necessarily unrealistic. If you sail that close to shore, sometimes you hit a rock.
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