is it planned a routing for the round britain tour?
Thanks for all
Post by Paspox | 2021-09-01 | 17:54:22
All the coming races, including the record, are now on zezo.
Thanks !
I see "Punta de Pedras" written on the Predicted Times : are the times correct and it should just say "Shetlands Islands" ?
Post by zezo | 2021-09-01 | 20:24:05
Ooops. Fixed. Other data was actually ok, but I tend to miss some detaisl when updating 3-4 races at the same time (with few waypoints each)
Thanks for pointing it out.
Now only the color palette is a bit off for a 100-130 hour prediction. Hopefully there is some time to fix it with a window in few days.
Oh, and there is no "Ireland to port" waypoint on the way back yet. And a finish line drawn (also at St. Piter in the other race).
Post by YourMomSA | 2021-09-02 | 13:35:37
Any idea why the projected times for 18z yesterday were all so good? Were the wrong polars temporarily inserted? Or misplaced weather file?
Post by zezo | 2021-09-02 | 15:54:26
I haven't changed anything since yesterday (other than fixing the small issues mentioned above)
Sometimes the router stops short of its destination, given the "right" conditions, so that might be it. The other possibility is NOAA predicting a system over UK. That should be visible in the old GRIBs.
Post by zezo | 2021-09-03 | 08:42:48
There is one more thing. The router can't see a coastal option behind the corner, but it will be suggested if you route from the straits.
Post by smit | 2021-09-08 | 15:40:28
In the Round Britain routing, Mark #5 (just before the Lizard) is missing?