maps .cht for VRTool
Post by iconPost by jeandumanson | 2021-01-20 | 17:02:05

Hi everybody! First, Thanks to Cvetan for all his job!
I am looking for .cht maps , more specifically carribean there somebody to help me ? Thanks in advance. Jean

commenticon 69 Comments
Post by iconPost by Ventura_317 | 2021-01-20 | 18:42:23
Have a look to Gwened_56 videos ....or on VR Forum ( also Gwened_56)
Dailymotion › Gwened_56
Good luck

Post by iconPost by jeandumanson | 2021-01-20 | 22:46:49
Thanks Ventura 317 for your answer but only good souvenirs and oldies on Gwened 56 side ! I found a little on VRGuide blogspot by Le Grand Dic but unfortunately not Carribean maps !
Post by iconPost by jeandumanson | 2021-02-01 | 12:29:45
Nobody still using VRTool ? I'm a bit surprised ...
Post by iconPost by toxcct | 2021-02-01 | 13:22:29
What did it bring that we don't have in nowadays tools ?

(or which VRTool features did you use that you can't find anywhere else, that you would like to see implemented ?)
Post by iconPost by jeandumanson | 2021-02-03 | 14:31:34
Hi toxcct !Thanks for the interest in my question. I use VRtool for 2 reasons:
1.- I can compare very easily different zezo roads -mine at different times or mine with opposants-on the same map.
2.- The .cht maps are more than useful to put waypoints on the game without being aground !!!
Have you any ideas for §2 ?
Post by iconPost by toxcct | 2021-02-03 | 15:48:38
I don't see many solutions to avoid going aground.

You can either sail far enough of the shores, or if you absolutely want to come closer, then sail with constant heading instead of fixed TWA.

The big problem here is that VR shores map is quite different than zezo's map, which is also different than what the VRDashboard can display through Google Maps...

Post by iconPost by Ricard34 | 2021-02-03 | 19:33:55
Hello, how do you import Zezo routes in VRTool please ?
Post by iconPost by Avontuur | 2021-02-10 | 17:46:03

Post by iconPost by jf44 | 2021-02-04 | 05:21:20
I think that in the 2010 we did translate VR maps in VRTool maps. So they where very accurate for VR.
Since the new VR after 2016 I do not use any of these tools. I can't even find any of them in my computer ;>((
Post by iconPost by jeandumanson | 2021-02-04 | 10:14:46
Hi Ricard 34 , I use excel zezo vers VRtool found on the web. Apparently no more available but I can send you a copy if you want.
Post by iconPost by Ricard34 | 2021-02-04 | 21:24:12
Yes please what is your VR boat name ? :)
Post by iconPost by jeandumanson | 2021-02-05 | 04:53:06
boat abbaye
Post by iconPost by mcmgj | 2021-02-10 | 12:27:04
@ricard34 and @jeandumanson please contact me on VR in MB to mcmgj1, in french if possible

Post by iconPost by toxcct | 2021-02-10 | 12:44:30
Why wouldn't you share here, Guy ?
Post by iconPost by jeandumanson | 2021-02-10 | 15:38:11
@ toxcct : Very simple, I don't know how sharing an excel file except by email !
@ mcmgj1 : c'est fait!
Post by iconPost by toxcct | 2021-02-10 | 15:59:50
You could use a hosting service (Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, etc.) and share the link ;)
Post by iconPost by jeandumanson | 2021-02-10 | 15:46:53
And more ...I'm still looking for anyone who wants to share carribean.cht or other maps ...
Post by iconPost by jeandumanson | 2021-02-10 | 19:18:54
@toxcct: it's certainly the best way but I'm not friendly and fluent with Google drive and others! If you give me your name boat, I'll send you an email and so it will be quicker to send you the file!

Post by iconPost by Avontuur | 2021-02-10 | 20:50:42
to answer question 1 as an alternative:
- copy the route.zezo gpx part with the track and paste it in a notepad.
- plan the second route in zezo and download again the gpx part.
- look in the end of the notepad file for </rte></gpx>
- create some space with returns before that
- paste your second route in
- remove the header of your second route:
<?xml version="1.0"?><gpx xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="1.0" creator="Route"> <rte> <name>RZ Jules Verne Trophy - 6feb</name>

- now you can convert this file to KML with:

The route is now combined and will go from the end to the start of the second.
You can see the date/time in the waypoint boxes you can adjust windy to the same moment.

there are some tricky things with the text file and gpx extensions. You need to play around to get it working. When it is working you can use the existing files with new tracks
I hope it helps
Post by iconPost by jeandumanson | 2021-02-11 | 08:41:13
Thanks @Avontuur but a bit complicated for me and does not fullfil all my needs !! Thanks again
Post by iconPost by olafgunarson | 2021-03-22 | 05:43:55
I'm also curious to know how "le grand dic" & co use to create the .cht map, anyone know? All the links are dead on the bib blog of .cht maps ...
Post by iconPost by zedstar | 2021-03-27 | 20:11:37
Glad to see that there are still VRTool users ;)

In the past, VR mapping was in bitmap (pixels), it was easy to retrieve images and draw outlines. Le grand dic & co version draws one square per pixel. I participated in a collective to draw larger polygons (32x32 degrees) to get lighter files. The project was stopped when VR changed its interface in 2016 and since I play rather on regattagamme, always with the same VRTool charts table, but other tips ;)

An overview of the project and what has been mapped:

I have the files somewhere in my archives, I didn't think anyone would be interested;)
Post by iconPost by NumeroDixTV | 2021-03-27 | 23:59:07
Hello zedstar, could you please share your .cht files archives ? Thank you very much ! :)

Post by iconPost by zedstar | 2021-03-28 | 12:19:42
Here are my old files :

Didn't check if it matched the current VR mapping

Post by iconPost by NumeroDixTV | 2021-03-29 | 14:22:26
Thanks a lot!

They seem to use the same mapping, they just moved a little N/S E/W in 2016. I will try to modify the files to match the current VR and will give them to the community when it's done but it could take time.

When they changed the map in 2016, people tought it was not good anymore because they crashed, but they just made a little change. Perhaps to dissuade people to use those maps.

I contacted VR but they act like they don't understand my question.

3 or 4 teams still use those files but it's like a secret they don't want to tell or share so i'll try to do it because it seems like an unfair advantage, especially for newcomers.
Post by iconPost by falcon470 | 2022-01-04 | 11:29:23
magari .. sarebbe fantastico avere le mappe precise del gioco ed evitare che qualche squadra abbia questo vantaggio. grazie per quello che farai per tutti noi
Post by iconPost by regattagame | 2021-03-28 | 20:30:37
Hi jeandumanson (and zedstar btw ;) ),

Not sure what .cht files are, but it seems you are looking for some files for coast detection on VR.
In 2013 I sniffed almost all coasts files from VR to build my own custom router (avoiding rocks).
Not sure VR is still using the same coasts files.

I quit VR in 2014, fed up with annoying ads always poping up, pay to win system,frequent bugs at races start, poor communication, disrespect to users, forum closing and/or banning when important and sensitive infos where asked and much more... to build our own sailing game ( with a few rrr team's mates (gtlog, wineblood and cookie).

In the zip archive that you can download below, you'll find a set of subfolders as it was used in VR at that time (strange coordinates system that I can't remember of the weird architecture).
There is also a main global image at the folder root (globeCailloux.png) displaying the places of the earth that were sniffed (most of all oceans).
In each sublfolders you'll find png 256x256 grayscale images: black is sea, white is land.

Can't say if VR is still using the same coasts files, and if yes wether you can convert these png images into .cht files.

Hope that can help, but best advice is to set sail to another decent and friendlier sailing game... ;)

zip archive (15 MB):
Post by iconPost by zedstar | 2021-03-29 | 16:24:58
blz t'es un coquin, avec une telle base de donnée ils ont la carte du monde ;)

blz you're a rascal, with such a database they have the map of the world;) transforming that into a vector map is at the mercy of a computer intern.

@NumeroDixTV : The VR mapping is SRTM Water Body Data and don't expect too much response from the staff, the trainees who designed this were fired a long time ago.

Post by iconPost by NumeroDixTV | 2021-03-29 | 17:01:05
Thanks !
I don't expect any answer from VR to be honest, just trying.
Hopefully there are people like you who still share the knowledge :)

Post by iconPost by yucatan | 2021-03-30 | 16:32:51
thanks very much zedstar,your cards will be very useful in futur.but sorry they stop just west denmark...
if anybody have baltic cards we are all takers...
thanks again!!!
Post by iconPost by jeandumanson | 2022-01-03 | 14:02:07
Many thanks, zedstar and regattagame !
I tested several .cht maps in narrow conditions and did'nt aground !
Very useful to set waypoints.
Post by iconPost by jphe | 2022-01-05 | 10:31:20
Does someone has .cht files of baltic sea ?
Post by iconPost by jeandumanson | 2022-01-06 | 12:03:26
No, unfortunately !See post by yucatan above .
Post by iconPost by g1vaguealame | 2022-01-10 | 19:40:42
j ai des cht de la frozen
Post by iconPost by david05320 | 2022-01-28 | 20:15:00
Hello, possible de mettre à dispo les CHT de la frozen sur le drive ?
Post by iconPost by jphe | 2022-01-16 | 19:55:34
what is the Frozen? (c'est quoi la frozen)

Post by iconPost by g1vaguealame | 2022-01-17 | 10:29:29
course vers le pôle nord
Post by iconPost by mcmgj | 2022-01-17 | 18:53:34
hello all, I have also some .cht file can you list your ?

Post by iconPost by jphe | 2022-01-18 | 08:16:44
I have this files:

Post by iconPost by david05320 | 2022-01-18 | 22:16:02
je n'aurais pas plus que celle de Zedstar postée plus haut a te fournir, mais je serais interessé par completer ma collec avec celle-là.
possible de me les envoyer ?
Post by iconPost by jeandumanson | 2022-01-18 | 13:58:06
I have the same above (except the first 4) plus all the maps who were in the " bibliotheque du blog VRGuide du grand DIC "
The cards listed in the "bibliotheque" are not still available on line but I made a copy last year . I suppose that you have (Guy mcmj) the same !
According to a post on VR forum, Gegax was showing many more .cht maps
It would be nice to share all the maps in a place anywere on the cloud ?
Guy as tu une idee sur la facon de proceder ?

Post by iconPost by david05320 | 2022-01-18 | 22:27:59
Salut Jean, on pourrait faire une archive de tout les CHT rassembl�s et les mettre en t�l�chargement sur un site web (possible chez moi) ou sur une plateforme style googledrive avec un acc�s public.
J'ai les CHT que Zedstar a mis � dispo sur son drive, j'ai �galement les png de Regattagame.
Quand on assemble les deux, on a quasi la carte du monde, et avec les trous remplis par ceux de JPHE et de la frozen de g1vaguealame, la mapemonde doit pas �tre loin de compl�te...
Voil�, volontaire pour aider.

Post by iconPost by jphe | 2022-01-18 | 17:20:26
the first 4 are completly wrong and have no interest.
i also tried
and as you said files are no more available.
I am interested in testing this files if it is possible to obtain them.
Post by iconPost by jeandumanson | 2022-01-18 | 23:50:14
Salut David, je suis nul en programmation et transformer des bitmap en cht est hors de mes compétences mais ca, ca peut peut etre se trouver (les compétences).Il restera malgre tout beaucoup de trous car les bmp sont loin de couvrir tous les océans et les fichiers de Jiphe sont déjà dans la collection de zedstar.Je peux envoyer celles du vrguide mais où et comment car c'est beaucoup de volume.
Autre sujet: contrairement a ce qu'ecrit NumeroDixTV, il n'y a pas lieu de corriger les cartes .cht . Elles sont conformes a celles du serveur VR. C'est l'image sur l'interface du jeu qui est décalée.
Post by iconPost by david05320 | 2022-01-19 | 16:10:49
On peut facilement (mais c'est très long) transformer des fichier png ou bmp en CHT ou autre format géoréférencé => c'est de la vectorisation sous QGIS.
en gros c'es georef de png sous QGIS => EXPORT en KML => Conversion CHT.

il y a des CHT dans ceux de jphe qui ne sont pas présent dans les CHT de zedstar :
111_111 et

et avec celle du VR guide (si tu peux me les envoyer sur ce drive ouvert à tous) :

j'y ai déjà déposé ceux de zedstar et de regattagame
Post by iconPost by jt8rres | 2022-01-19 | 16:41:42
Hello all, when I load and click on the extension I receive the following message: "Cannot attach to this target". My Chrome version is 97.0.4692.71 (Build oficial) (64 bits)

Thank You
Post by iconPost by jeandumanson | 2022-01-23 | 12:34:30
@ jt8rres it's not the subject of this post . There is another post for your problem . Please read it !!!

@ David : I try to do that this afternoon 2022 01 23 like 5pm french time!
Post by iconPost by jeandumanson | 2022-01-23 | 14:32:42
@David: it's done ! 104 fichiers et 110 Mo de plus mais tu verras qu'il y a beaucoup de doublons. Par ailleurs, je persiste et signe : à l'exception des 4 premières + les 2 dernières et la 111.11, toutes les autres cartes de Jphe sont dans le zip de zedstar (environ 70 fichiers).
Pour la suite (organisation fichier ou autre), ce serait commode d'échanger par mails.Tu peux me contacter par message boat : abbaye
a +
Post by iconPost by mcmgj | 2022-01-28 | 22:25:14
j'ai pas tout suivi, mais j'ai d'autres sartes cht il me semble,

Post by iconPost by jumpinjack | 2022-01-31 | 22:00:11
hello! what files have you?

Post by iconPost by g1vaguealame | 2022-02-12 | 20:25:41
sry come back in this forum
mes cht sont en général de 2013

j ai les world.cht qu'on chargeait dans vrool taille 10Mo

c est un peu long à lister et je ne sais pas ou vous en êtes
quels sont les fichiers qui vous manquent encore ?
Post by iconPost by david05320 | 2022-02-13 | 13:01:21
hello, j'ai remis d'autre CHT que j'avais pour faire un drive complet des cartes.

il y a les PNG (cailloux) un world CHT (incomplet), les cartes issues du site du grand Dic et d'autres CHT qui viennent completer.

J'essaye de tout compiler sans doublons, il y a donc un rep "Cartes CHT + Grand Dic rassemblées" où a part le world CHT, tout est rassemblé de manière unique.

Si tu veux, tu mets directement ce que tu as dans un seul fichier zip, on fera le tri, le drive est ouvert à tous.

Post by iconPost by g1vaguealame | 2022-02-12 | 20:51:10
et donc pensez-vous que ces maps correspondent précisément à celle de VR actuellement ?
Post by iconPost by david05320 | 2022-02-13 | 13:03:34
elles sont un peu d�cal�es de mani�re non uniforme entre 0 et 3 seconde d'arc de ce qu'on a constat�, mais �a donne une vrai indication.

Post by iconPost by g1vaguealame | 2022-02-18 | 10:50:21
voila j ai mis ce que j'avais

Post by iconPost by david05320 | 2022-02-19 | 15:45:53
Merci !
J'ai mis a jour une image de ce que cela fait une fois tout assemblé.
Je suis entrain d'uploader un assemblage V2 qui vient compléter le

Petit a petit, cela s'agrandi.

I uplaoded a view of the whole CHT map in the google drive folder,
there is a subfolder wich agregate all the cht available "Carte CHT + Grand DIC".

Post by iconPost by g1vaguealame | 2022-02-19 | 16:02:03
super qui a les antilles ?
Post by iconPost by jeandumanson | 2022-02-28 | 08:28:44
Super boulot David !
@g1vaguealame : les antilles font partie des cartes qui sont sur le drive. Si tu cherche les "petites antilles" de la Caribbean , elles sont même sous forme dézippées en m 320-192.
et merci pour tes cartes de la frozen
Post by iconPost by g1vaguealame | 2022-02-28 | 17:31:21
merci a toi je vais pouvoir comprendre mon échouement ...peut être
j ai trouvé grace au m 320 192 mais sinon comment chercher par nom ?
Post by iconPost by jeandumanson | 2022-03-01 | 10:59:56
Except for maps from "Gd DIC" which have geographic names, the better way is open the file: Copie deé32x32gray.nav and look for the number corresponding to the location you want, if it exists !
Sauf pour les cartes du GdDIC qui sont par zones géographiques, j'ouvre la table à carte carré32x32gray.nav et je cherche si une carte existe dans la zone géographique qui m'intéresse.

Post by iconPost by BGSteMarine | 2022-03-03 | 09:29:02
Hi there. Thanks much for all these valuable shares :)
Does anyone get any source (cht or png) for the Baltic Sea, and Eastern Mediterranean Sea ?
(32x32 squares between 544 and 640 in longitude and between 64 and 192 in latitude)
Post by iconPost by david05320 | 2022-03-06 | 10:49:11
Hello, some seems to have them but don't want to share. they just take what they need. the world is like this... maybe they will understand one day that alone we go faster (in the wall) but that together we are stronger.
Post by iconPost by chuckmaurice | 2022-03-05 | 22:20:11
Thanks to all contributors for those charts.
Is it a way to integrate the GPX's route zezo into VRtool?
Post by iconPost by jeandumanson | 2022-03-08 | 05:43:04
Hi chuck, you can use the excel file ZezopourVRTool on the same drive above.
Post by iconPost by BooBill | 2022-03-06 | 04:31:32
Reading through this thread, and I'm getting the idea that some people have figured out what charts VR is using on the back end. Is there any way that people are using these in conjunction with Zezo, or is this whole thread about VR Tool?

Is there a way to load these charts in qtVlm?
Post by iconPost by jeandumanson | 2022-03-15 | 10:05:00
Hi Boobill, personally, I don't use any connection with zezo and I don't know if it exists.
I just use the .cht on VRTool as a chart table and not as a router. I use Zezo separately.
It would be great to have a connection with Dashboard ! I'm not fluent enought with qtvlm to answer your last question.
Post by iconPost by Bobby Lapointe | 2022-07-23 | 19:46:40
It seems that all the teams involved into the iRoboat challenge (IA boats) gets the real map from VR.
I'm really surprised that , doing so, VR allows a few teams to have an incredible advantage...
And i'm more surprised to see that absolutely ZERO teams (including EZ, LSV, Torc...) and ZERO player had the idea to share it, in an equity matter.
This game is turning into a shame week after week.

Post by iconPost by david05320 | 2022-07-25 | 22:25:10
Hi, i asked them if they can release for all the iroboat KIT. (With this kit, it's possible to generate a map in raster format like png) They answer no. Instead they upgrade the game with the o.1 zoom and the collision detect when you moove a wp. (If tou see 168+ il 's mean your wp is on the beach). I tried, i felt.
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2022-07-27 | 09:45:12
Now we have the chart down to the pixel in the game UI.

And sailing the pixels might be and AI challenge, but is not the job of a/the weather router.

The charts could probably be extracted anyway. They are compressed bitmaps, with algorithm that Unity supports. I could not figure out the exact details, but I did not try too hard.
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