"Start times" drop-down menu in fleet races?

Hi everyone. Let me tell you first that I love this weather routing tool. Thanks Cvetan!
I am not yet skilled with it, so I apologize for any nonsense I might say.
I was wondering if it was possible to insert something similar to the "start now" drop down list, used in the record racing, also in fleet racing routing. This would allow to check, for example, the course from a point that is far from the current racing track. Let's say I want to check if there is a possible alternative other than the one suggested by the router. I know that is possible do this by looking at the valleys and hills of the isochrones but having the visual "trace" of a possible alternative route (if any) would help me a lot. Let's say I want to know what the route would be from a location that is 3 hours off the suggested track. I could set a starting point from the "off track" position that I would reach in 3 hours and check the track suggested by the weather router from there. But I can only do that if I have a tool like the "start at" drop down menu and set 3 hours from now in the location mentioned above.
So do you think it would be feasible? Would it be of any use?
Thank you

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