difference between wind on he map and wind on the route
Post by iconPost by mendiburu | 2020-12-20 | 08:50:56


Lorsque je pointe un point noir sur mon routage, J'ai un tableau avec la vitesse et la direction du vent à cette heure là. Mais si je déplace mon curseur sur les curseurs de vent autour, j'ai des différences de quelques noeuds et degrés....

Si quelqu'un sait pourquoi? merci

commenticon 7 Comments
Post by iconPost by mendiburu | 2020-12-20 | 08:57:49
La différence peut être d'une dizaine de degré quand même et de 1 ou 2 noeuds.

Post by iconPost by toxcct | 2020-12-20 | 14:05:19
vous avez passé le méridien 180° et vous avez oublié de changer l'indicateur E (Est) en W (Ouest) ?

(by the way, please ask your questions in english on this forum if you wan people to understand you properly...)
Post by iconPost by mendiburu | 2020-12-20 | 17:26:48
ok in English

when I point to a black dot on my route, I have a table with the speed and direction of the wind at that time. But if I move my cursor over the wind sliders around I have differences of a few knots and degrees ....

by exemple:on a black dot in 12 houres, I get 257° & 31,8 knt, but around this dot I get between 258,5 to 259° & 30,5 to 30,8 knt...

Post by iconPost by zezo | 2020-12-20 | 18:37:06
Thanks. I saw it too. There seems to be a subtle bug in the GRIB file logic, but I can't catch it yet.
Post by iconPost by mendiburu | 2020-12-20 | 23:23:28
So wich one is the good one?

Post by iconPost by WakeUp650 | 2020-12-22 | 06:43:00
@Mendiburu: Did you also change the time of the weather forecast for the map. Black dots give you the wind force and direction at the precise time of the dot. Moving the cursor on the map gives you this information for the selected time of the wind for the map. I do not know if i am clear but if you check a black dot in 24 hours but still have the current wind information then of course it is not the same.
Post by iconPost by mendiburu | 2020-12-25 | 16:40:39
Yes I do, it's not the problèm... Am I the only one?

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