Post by iconPost by Mcfly BSP | 2020-05-07 | 08:41:54


From the link below, find a folder "Records 2020" which contains 2 files: an individual classification and another by team.

- Individual classification:

The first 10,000 boats are taken into account for each record: 1 point on the 1st, 2 pts on the second, ... 10,000 pts on the 10,000th. The 5 best results of each (2 jokers) will determine the general classification of the 2020 records. Those who have less than 5 results will not be classified.

- Team classification:

For the moment, only the first 50 HOF teams are present in this ranking. If other teams wish to be included, no problem, say it here or send me a mb. The first 10,000 boats are taken into account for each record: 1 point on the 1st, 2 pts on the second ... 10,000 pts on the 10,000th. The 8 best results per team and per record are counted. The score displayed in each cell is the average of these 8 scores, rounded to the nearest unit. A team that has less than 8 boats in the top 10,000 does not score a point. The 5 best averages of each team will determine the general classification at the end of the year. If we stay at 7 records, there will be 2 jokers.

These classifications are not official and may contain errors, especially if a skipper changes the name of his boat or if a team changes the composition of his team.

See you!AqaJZh0p6jXAtDFGz-MRFJZbPgpM

commenticon 11 Comments
Post by iconPost by Fly_Star_TVD | 2020-05-07 | 13:11:32
Waowww, thanks a lot.
Post by iconPost by Stevoo | 2020-10-23 | 19:44:32
Hi MacFly
great stuff and effort to do the list of these record races.
Are you going to continue updating the list? have not seen the NY2SF race updated in the list.
However, great work
Cheers Steve

Post by iconPost by BooBill | 2020-10-23 | 23:26:04
Awesome stuff Mcfly!

<ctrl> F doesn't seem to return any results, even when searching for a name you can plainly see.

I changed my name part way through the year from bmertens to Boobill and my results are split between them. Any chance you could merge those?

Post by iconPost by Mcfly BSP | 2020-10-24 | 13:50:58
Hello, the file is up to date.

Please do not use filters so as not to hide certain lines. You can sort the data alphabetically or from smallest to largest and vice versa. There is no password, you can download this file and open it locally.

I merged the results of bmertens and Boobil.
Post by iconPost by FlyingCloud | 2020-10-24 | 16:20:47
Awesome McFly!
Please could you merge the points of "WoKeN" with my new name "FlyingCloud"?
Post by iconPost by Mcfly BSP | 2020-10-26 | 22:13:22
Thx & done !
Post by iconPost by BooBill | 2020-10-24 | 14:22:07
Great Scotts, thanks Mcfly!
Post by iconPost by Fouras_17 | 2020-10-25 | 17:28:48
Thank you and I just found out that I am 2nd
Post by iconPost by Pimpi | 2020-10-25 | 18:11:40
Wow! Thank you so much Mcfly BSP! :)
Post by iconPost by Mcfly BSP | 2020-11-14 | 22:57:44
Hi, the 2020 records are now over.

Congratulations to who performed the best. No victory for him but 5 very good ranks: 4th, 6th, 12th, 42nd and 49th.

I accidentally deleted my file, so here is another link to access the full general ranking.!AqaJZh0p6jXAtlQDeunYvDATGFXN?e=LuaK1D

Post by iconPost by Fouras_17 | 2020-11-15 | 14:51:12
Merci pour le tableau. félicitations pour le travail.

A l'année prochaine, mais la dur à battre mon record. lol

Thanks for the painting. congratulations on the job.
See you next year, but it's hard to beat my record. lol

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